A body massage is a therapeutic technique that involves manipulating the muscles and soft tissues of the body to promote relaxation, alleviate tension, and improve overall well-being. Massages can vary in style, pressure, and focus areas depending on the techniques used and the specific needs of the individual receiving the massage.

At Vogue hair and Spa we use the lymphatic drainage massage technique.

Overall, an aroma lymphatic drainage massage offers a holistic approach to wellness, addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of health and well-being.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage:

Lymphatic drainage massage is a gentle, rhythmic massage technique designed to stimulate the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and lymph nodes that helps remove waste, toxins, and excess fluid from the body, playing a crucial role in immune function and fluid balance. Lymphatic drainage massage aims to facilitate the movement of lymph fluid through the body, reducing swelling, detoxifying tissues, and boosting immune function.

During a lymphatic drainage massage, the therapist uses light pressure and specific strokes to encourage the flow of lymph fluid towards lymph nodes, where it can be filtered and eliminated from the body. This technique can be particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with lymphedema, post-surgery swelling, detoxification, or immune support.


Aromatherapy involves the use of concentrated plant extracts, known as essential oils, to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Essential oils are highly aromatic and contain various therapeutic compounds that can have a range of effects on the body and mind when inhaled or applied to the skin.

The combination of lymphatic drainage massage and aromatherapy can enhance the overall benefits of the treatment, promoting relaxation, reducing inflammation, supporting detoxification, and uplifting mood. Additionally, the pleasant aroma of the essential oils can further enhance the sensory experience of the massage.